/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "esp32_mock.h" #include "mdns.h" #include "mdns_private.h" // // Global stuctures containing packet payload, search mdns_rx_packet_t g_packet; struct pbuf mypbuf; mdns_search_once_t *search = NULL; // // Dependency injected test functions void mdns_test_execute_action(void *action); mdns_srv_item_t *mdns_test_mdns_get_service_item(const char *service, const char *proto); mdns_search_once_t *mdns_test_search_init(const char *name, const char *service, const char *proto, uint16_t type, uint32_t timeout, uint8_t max_results); esp_err_t mdns_test_send_search_action(mdns_action_type_t type, mdns_search_once_t *search); void mdns_test_search_free(mdns_search_once_t *search); void mdns_test_init_di(void); extern mdns_server_t *_mdns_server; // // mdns function wrappers for mdns setup in test mode static int mdns_test_hostname_set(const char *mdns_hostname) { for (int i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_INTERFACES; i++) { _mdns_server->interfaces[i].pcbs[MDNS_IP_PROTOCOL_V4].state = PCB_RUNNING; // mark the PCB running to exercise mdns in fully operational mode _mdns_server->interfaces[i].pcbs[MDNS_IP_PROTOCOL_V6].state = PCB_RUNNING; } int ret = mdns_hostname_set(mdns_hostname); mdns_action_t *a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); return ret; } static int mdns_test_add_delegated_host(const char *mdns_hostname) { mdns_ip_addr_t addr = { .addr = { .u_addr = ESP_IPADDR_TYPE_V4 } }; addr.addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = 0x11111111; int ret = mdns_delegate_hostname_add(mdns_hostname, &addr); mdns_action_t *a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); return ret; } static int mdns_test_service_instance_name_set(const char *service, const char *proto, const char *instance) { int ret = mdns_service_instance_name_set(service, proto, instance); mdns_action_t *a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); return ret; } static int mdns_test_service_txt_set(const char *service, const char *proto, uint8_t num_items, mdns_txt_item_t txt[]) { int ret = mdns_service_txt_set(service, proto, txt, num_items); mdns_action_t *a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); return ret; } static int mdns_test_sub_service_add(const char *sub_name, const char *service_name, const char *proto, uint32_t port) { if (mdns_service_add(NULL, service_name, proto, port, NULL, 0)) { // This is expected failure as the service thread is not running } mdns_action_t *a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); if (mdns_test_mdns_get_service_item(service_name, proto) == NULL) { return ESP_FAIL; } int ret = mdns_service_subtype_add_for_host(NULL, service_name, proto, NULL, sub_name); a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); return ret; } static int mdns_test_service_add(const char *service_name, const char *proto, uint32_t port) { if (mdns_service_add(NULL, service_name, proto, port, NULL, 0)) { // This is expected failure as the service thread is not running } mdns_action_t *a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); if (mdns_test_mdns_get_service_item(service_name, proto) == NULL) { return ESP_FAIL; } return ESP_OK; } static mdns_result_t *mdns_test_query(const char *name, const char *service, const char *proto, uint16_t type) { search = mdns_test_search_init(name, service, proto, type, 3000, 20); if (!search) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_send_search_action(ACTION_SEARCH_ADD, search)) { mdns_test_search_free(search); abort(); } mdns_action_t *a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); return NULL; } static void mdns_test_query_free(void) { mdns_test_search_free(search); } // // function "under test" where afl-mangled packets passed // void mdns_parse_packet(mdns_rx_packet_t *packet); // // Test starts here // int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; const char *mdns_hostname = "minifritz"; const char *mdns_instance = "Hristo's Time Capsule"; mdns_txt_item_t arduTxtData[4] = { {"board", "esp32"}, {"tcp_check", "no"}, {"ssh_upload", "no"}, {"auth_upload", "no"} }; const uint8_t mac[6] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0x00, 0x32}; uint8_t buf[1460]; char winstance[21 + strlen(mdns_hostname)]; sprintf(winstance, "%s [%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x]", mdns_hostname, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); // Init depencency injected methods mdns_test_init_di(); if (mdns_init()) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_hostname_set(mdns_hostname)) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_add_delegated_host(mdns_hostname) || mdns_test_add_delegated_host("megafritz")) { abort(); } #ifndef MDNS_NO_SERVICES if (mdns_test_sub_service_add("_server", "_fritz", "_tcp", 22)) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_service_add("_telnet", "_tcp", 22)) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_service_add("_workstation", "_tcp", 9)) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_service_instance_name_set("_workstation", "_tcp", winstance)) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_service_add("_arduino", "_tcp", 3232)) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_service_txt_set("_arduino", "_tcp", 4, arduTxtData)) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_service_add("_http", "_tcp", 80)) { abort(); } if (mdns_test_service_instance_name_set("_http", "_tcp", "ESP WebServer")) { abort(); } if ( mdns_test_service_add("_afpovertcp", "_tcp", 548) || mdns_test_service_add("_rfb", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_smb", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_adisk", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_airport", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_printer", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_airplay", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_raop", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_uscan", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_uscans", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_ippusb", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_scanner", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_ipp", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_ipps", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_pdl-datastream", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_ptp", "_tcp", 885) || mdns_test_service_add("_sleep-proxy", "_udp", 885)) { abort(); } #endif mdns_result_t *results = NULL; FILE *file; size_t nread; #ifdef INSTR_IS_OFF size_t len = 1460; memset(buf, 0, 1460); if (argc != 2) { printf("Non-instrumentation mode: please supply a file name created by AFL to reproduce crash\n"); return 1; } else { // // Note: parameter1 is a file (mangled packet) which caused the crash file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); assert(file >= 0 ); len = fread(buf, 1, 1460, file); fclose(file); } for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { #else while (__AFL_LOOP(1000)) { memset(buf, 0, 1460); size_t len = read(0, buf, 1460); #endif mypbuf.payload = malloc(len); memcpy(mypbuf.payload, buf, len); mypbuf.len = len; g_packet.pb = &mypbuf; mdns_test_query("minifritz", "_fritz", "_tcp", MDNS_TYPE_ANY); mdns_test_query(NULL, "_fritz", "_tcp", MDNS_TYPE_PTR); mdns_test_query(NULL, "_afpovertcp", "_tcp", MDNS_TYPE_PTR); mdns_parse_packet(&g_packet); free(mypbuf.payload); } #ifndef MDNS_NO_SERVICES mdns_service_remove_all(); mdns_action_t *a = NULL; GetLastItem(&a); mdns_test_execute_action(a); #endif ForceTaskDelete(); mdns_free(); return 0; }